A recent boon to our program is the introduction of new material which instructs principled living. In the material we have been blessed with is not new information but time proven precepts that are now able to be presented in a more complete, understandable and bitesize manner. Thanks to a new connection with education, we are able to share short lessons on the principles of living after the manner happiness as well as another curriculum which instructs at a very basic level the immutable truths of human rights. As we are able to target the correct audiences, our goal is to also advance a training regarding the social ills propagated by the use of illicit drugs.
For now I am reviewing the instructor materials with our school master Dieulet and then Dieulet is using pamphlets and posters to pass along this instruction in short sessions, two days per week. The materials are being well received but truthfully we are missing a key piece and that is a sizable portion of the training is intended to be presented via video and currently, our education center doesn’t have a television or DVD player. As this is a special need that has fallen outside our budget, we could use an extra boost to accomplish the purchase of these items. Personally, I have a DVD player at home that I can transport easily enough to achieve one level of this instruction but to purchase a television that would enhance all of the levels of education at our school, we would need $400 to make this purchase.
Many of you who donate monthly, we are grateful and recognize you stress your monthly budgets to help us at this current level however if you are a friend that loves this story but hasn’t yet been able to donate to our cause, I am encouraging you to join in on this special project. Aside from the materials associated with our principled living curricula, we are going to advance other education aids for instruction for all the refugee children at our school. Thank you SO much for you consideration. With your efforts, we will abolish child trafficking from the inside out. Donating is super easy on our website and your donations are tax deductible. abolishchildtrafficking.com
